Sitting Waiting Wishing


Posted by mobile phone:
I can’t always be waiting waiting on you
I can’t always be playing playing your fool

I keep playing your part
But its not my scene
Won’t this plot not twist?
I’ve had enough mystery.
Keep building me up,
then shooting me down.

Lord knows that I’m not you
And if I was I wouldn’t be so cruel


Fra Jack Johnsons ‘Sitting, Waiting, Wishing’


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2 kommentarer

  1. Tusen takk!! Koselig å høre 🙂 Jeg kom akkurat hjem fra en nydelig ferie, og gleder meg til å lese MASSE blogger etter en lang pause!

    Håper du har det fint også! Jeg må nok stikke innom deg en tur straks 🙂

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